Saturday, February 1, 2025

January '25 Joke Round-Up

  This was an obnoxiously long month.  Actually, the last third of it in particular was painfully long and aggravating.  We are absolutely living in the dumbest timeline currently and there are an unbelievable amount of unfathomably stupid people actively cheering on the clown show at the moment.  That’s fun.  And on top of that, it’s absolutely the shittiest time of the year; all of the holidays are over so it’s just a bunch of cold and gray days that everybody has to go to work while still feeling fat and lazy from the holidays.  Neato.  I did write a few longer-form jokes this month than my usual quippy zingers.  Mixed results there as nearly half of my jokes this month got absolutely no reaction whatsoever.  Is that because people are leaving FB in droves due to them bending the knee to the new administration? Or is it because I suck and so do my lame attempts at humor? Maybe a little of column A and a little of column B.  I’ll tell you one person who can’t get enough of me, and that’s my dopey little FB troll who has once again resurfaced, hell-bent on proving that there actually exists a person so pathetic that they have made me their personal hobby. Yikes, that is embarrassing for them.  But let’s focus on things that are embarrassing for me, like these jokes.


I had Wednesday off for New Year's, so now my brain is confused as to whether today is Tuesday or Friday.  As such, I'm going to call it Tryday because I'm just gonna try to get my shit together and hope for the best.


Meta/FB announced that they are removing fact-checking from their platforms.  And while you can (and should) be frustrated with them for this in a world that is chock full of misinformation, you should probably direct a good chunk of your ire towards the large swath of our population that sees being corrected as an infringement of their right to continue being a dumbass.


Right here is one of the major problems with my brain.  My deodorant got low enough that the pushup didn't go high enough to use anymore. But I'm like "There's still some to use, I can just hold it in my hand to apply it."  I can afford more deodorant. I even already have new deodorant in the cabinet.  But I'm using up this tiny little bit so I'm not wasteful.

Alternatively, if you asked me right now "You wanna go blow a bunch of money on shitty food we don't need?" I wouldn't hesitate for a second.  "Gotta use up this last little smidgen of deodorant so I don't have to second-guess ordering 12 Beef N Cheddars"


Personally, I think you should only be allowed to wax your mustache into a curly-cue if you own and regularly ride around on a penny farthing.


Based strictly on how quickly she was able to answer the question "When is this person's birthday," my daughter's preference of people is as follows:

1. Olivia Rodrigo

2. Me

3. Her mom


I'm pretty proud of how this played out.


My friends love getting texts from me.


My wife and I just split a pizza that we didn't even tell our kids we made.  I don't know if we're garbage parents or genius ones.


This is gonna start off weird, but just come along for the ride. I think it would suck to be cold while dying. It’s adding insult to injury. It’s bad enough that you’re dying, but you can’t even do it at a comfortable temperature? Garbage.  Way back in 2005 I watched a movie starring Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, and Andre 3000. If you were able to correctly guess that I am talking about the movie Four Brothers…what the fuck? Anyway, I hope I’m not spoiling anything in this 20 year-old movie, but at one point one of the aforementioned brothers dies outside in the snow wearing clothes that were in no way suitable for the temperature at the time.  Because of that scene, for 2 decades now I have had a little thought lingering in the back of my head about how much it would suck to die laying in the cold like that. Probably not exactly like that because that dude got taken out in some kind of criminal underworld shootout.  But the cold part, that freaks me out.  I hate being cold. That’s why I’m hoping when I go it’s somewhere warm. I want to be warm and relaxed so at least the whole experience doesn’t suck. Someplace like the beach. A sauna. Or a hot tub. And, you know, it kinda sounds like when I die it’s really gonna ruin vacation for my wife.


My daughter got upset that I assumed some candy wrappers left on the kitchen table were her doing so I had to put it in terms that she'd understand.

Me: "If the whole family was sitting in the living room and you smelled a fart, who would you think did it?"

Her: "You! Obviously!"

Me: "And why would you think that?"

Her: "Because you're always farting!!"

Me: "That's why I assumed you left the candy wrappers."


Have you ever picked up and ate what you thought was a crumb from dinner on the counter only to realize once it's in your mouth that you've made a terrible mistake and whatever it is that you're eating is far too old and crunchy to be from the meal you just made? Yeah, me neither…


Messing around on The Jackbox Survey Scramble and this question was 100% set up for this reference.



At a certain point it's hard to tell which aches are from being sick and which are from just having an aging, out of shape body that has suffered from years of neglect and bad habits.


It's some kind of weird mental gymnastics to defend some seriously problematic gestures, be absolutely wrong on easily verifiable information, then think your big "gotcha" moment is to respond with a confirmation that you were wrong while still trying to be an asshole about it.  It's literally okay to just STFU sometimes when you don't know things.


Usually when I sing in the shower I am a cover artist. I will occasionally belt out an original, but I'm always self-aware enough to have the originals as the opener.

Today, as I took an alarmingly hot shower to warm up from this miserable cold weather, I opened the show with my new single "I Wanna Melt Like Grilled Cheese" and followed it up with a cover of "I Melt With You" by Modern English.  There may have been a theme.


I think the most hyped I have ever been at any point in my life was probably back in 1995 when I heard there was gonna be a Power Rangers movie.


I love how conspiracy theorists regularly fall back on the assumption that anyone who doesn't subscribe to their crackpot bullshit must be getting all their information from "mainstream media" like everyone who believes the moon exists clearly is indoctrinated by CNN.

Listening to the rantings of a guy who lives in a dumpster and wears a shoe on his head is also not getting your information from mainstream media, but it's by no means a reliable source either.

I really don’t know how I want to end this post. I’m in a bit of a time crunch in between running the kids around, which is also kind of silly because there truly is no deadline for me to finish writing this thing that nobody will read.  “Oh shit, I better get my lame-ass web journal updated before my completely self-imposed and arbitrary deadline.”  That’s it. That’s the ending.


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